24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2554

โลกแบน(The World Is Flat)II กับปราชญ์/ประหลาดลำปาง


งอบทรงโลกแบนโคลัมบัสประหลาดลำปาง กับสุ่มไก่ทรงโลกเก่าปโตเลมี

COLUMBUS THE WORLD IS FLAT (24Feb.2009 -24 Feb. 2011)
(google : 11 Sep 2003-24Feb.2009)
This legend started seven years ago on Thursday 11 September 2003 in the evening at No. 363 Thipchang Rd. Lampang 52100, honorable guests from Chulalongkorn University recorded in my beloved field notebook kept together with my survey cabinet with the following objectives:

“The Designer Group offers to develop ceramic work by having ceramic trademark. We want to know the outstanding characteristics of Lampang so we must come to Lampang’s Prad or Wise man who knows all the history and geography. Our group wants to consider the art and culture to increase the value of merchandise that has its own identity.”

The list of the five honored guests from the Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University included Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pongpan Anantaworranit, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orapin PN Dr. Oranit Panyachun, Lecturer Pattakit Komonkit (02 218 4499) and Lecturer Krittiya Chunhachewachalok (02 739 2749).

I answered the honored guests at that time that I felt shy with the word Wise man(ปราชญ์) , I would rather be called Pralard Lampang: PLLP (Lampang’s Queer Man/ประหลาดลำปาง). I like the word and searching for a good day after seven years and finally the auspicious moment armed with wise man’s information in a strange viewpoint, using the English phrase PLLP Google 24 Feb 2009,, the Thai word, Pralard Lampang Google 24 February 2552 upload to this website with the right time 24 Pralard Lampang!

Google has a moving calendar with pictures and words about Round World, Flat World. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Rajamangkala University of Technology was the first to upload the story of the first man who knew the world was round was Pithagorus, who died around 507 BC. at the city of Meta Pondum or around 2516 years ago.

Pithagorus was the first scientist who hypothesized the theory about the round world and turned around itself including the Sun, the Moon and other planets that Cupernicus and Galileo later proved that the theory was right.

When located Pithagorus at around early Buddhist Era, I tried to look for the Greek-Indian theory at the time of .. . . .

Minander or King Milindra and Pra Nagasen debating in the issue the world floating on water.

Water situated on land and land situated on wind. Pra Naggsen demonstrated by raising a bowl of water. The bowl was land or soil raised above the wind. It was the story of the four elements: soil, water, wind and fire. I wish to bring in to help analyze the belief over 2,000 years ago of the Greek-Indian people. Greek related to Egypt.

The main issue is that the belief that the world was floating in the air but what was the characteristics of the world or the earth.

I offer the following three shapes of the world.

1. Shape like a chicken cage

2. Shape like Lampang’s Ngorb or Palm-leaf hat or LAMPANG

3. Shape like a round woven rattan ball like a Trakraw called locally “Ba tor.”

The shapes of chicken cage and Lampang’s Ngorb are like in the picture of the local handicraft shop around Wat Sri Rong Mueang, Tha krao noi Road, Sob tui Sub-district, Mueang Lampang District, and Lampang’s Ngorb in the villager’s way of life at Ban Pai pae, Mueang Mai Sub-district, Chae hom District, Lampang who have the occupation of weaving rice containers with Khum pong luang design pattern sold all around northern Thailand for over 100 years. That rice container appeared in the Karl Box’s report from Sweden who surveyed Nakhon Lampan during the period of Cho Luang (Prince) Norrananchai Chawalit in 1881.

Ngorb or Palm leaf hat from Lampang and Phrae, sister cities with joining historical legends. Paya (King) Berg Paya Bon of Khelang Lampang and Pala Nakhon Phrae wished to recite history PLLP Google 24 Feb 2009 interpret the belief of flat world to join the crowd.
Can it be that the world is flat as another Ngorb of Columbus Pralard Lampang?   [columbus1โลภปโตเลมี.jpg]

“The Old World” the Old World Map was a wood print, printed at the city of Ulm, Germany, six years before Columbus discovered the New World. This map is from a Geographic Textbook for Ptolemy’s Map (around AD 90 - 168). The work of this Egyptian – Greek geologist and scientists inspired Columbus to head westward to find the route to Asia.

[DSC00522โคลัมบัสย่อ.jpg][DSC00518เข็มทิศเดี่ยว.jpg]Columbus and his contemporary compass.
From the leading picture (1) the Ptolemy’s World Map of about 2,000 years ago presented by the Department of Physics, Rajamangkala University through Google including picture no. (3) – (4) Christopher Columbus and the compass used in his sailing 500 years ago. He believed that sailing westward from Europe would find India which Europeans usually rounded Africa then traveled eastward. The World Theorists understood that Columbus believed that the world was round

From AD 1941 to 2009, it has been 518 years. Pralard Lampang (PLLP) begs to be born on this website with the auspicious 24 Feb 2009. I believe that if Columbus used the old world map drawn by Ptolemy, the Ptolemy map frame had the picture of angels blowing to sustain the floating world. I should be the theory that said the world had the shape of a chicken cage. Columbus might have used the theory of flat world on a round sheet like Lampang or Phrae ngorb or like the cover of a sukiyaki’s pot cover. The position of the magnetic field was the center of the circle. Columbus could sailed round a circle. Let me explain step by step like this.

The world with the shape like a chicken cage of Ptolemy had the part of sea water oozing and flowing over the continent dam then fall below. It showed the belief according to natural flow of land, sky, vapor, clouds, fog and rain fall that had to drain away the water flooding the world by falling from the continental edge (during the era that believed the world had 6 pats of land and one part of water). The water flew and fell from the air continued to become vapor and clouds and fog and rain. The Ptolemy’s map indicates that at that time, the world still did not know about the North Pole which was discovered by James Clack Ross, a British in 1830.

From the world shape like a chicken cage, if we flatten and make it looks like a Lampang Ngorb (hat) to be used as the theory of flat world on a round board at the time Columbus used as his instrument to sail.

[columbus1cภรอบ+.jpg]The frame of Ptolemy’s Chicken Cage World Map and the flat world on a round board of the ancient scientists and … around the time of Captain Columbus can use the theory of flat world on a round board like a Lampang Ngorb of Columbus Pralard Lampang PLLP to interpret and have the following explanations:

(like a football) though Columbus never said that. Even the land he stepped on he thought that it was Indies, the Land of Red Indian very different from the Indians with turbans until he died. Saeng Yonok’s Website, Lampang-Las Vegas http;//rampernglampang.blogspot.com joining the Google Network, because before 24 February 2009, the answer to Columbus’s the world is flat has not existed. Columbus’s history after getting lost to the American Continent and thought it was India.When we separate the Ptolemy’s map frame, we can see the bottom zone of wind or air with angels blowing everything above.

[toon_y02๠ผนที่โลภ๠บน2009.jpg] Columbus Flat World Map PLLP Style
The theory that proves the world is round comes from school lessons:

a. The sailors know that the world is round or curve from seeing the mast of a ship before seeing the whole ship

b. The flat world on a flat round board during the time that believed the world had six parts land and one part water could use a compass to get the northern direction from the center of a circle radius. Columbus could have used this technique to sail based on this belief that he could go east to India from Europe or west. The flat world map of PLLP24 Feb 2009 should solve another part.

c. The turning system during the era believing the world was the center of the universe, the world knew Saturn’s rings, the universe of the sun and the Moon decorated with a crown ring both day and night. The Columbus flat world map PLLP24Feb.2009 style used the wood block print map of Ptolemy following the idea of Greek and Egypt to help point out the contemporary theory of the Greek King Minander who seized and ruled India and met Pra Naggasen, an Indian Buddhist monk contemporary of the early Buddhist Era. The first Buddhist textbook was Milindra’s Question that had the debate on the world floating in the air from the demonstration of Pra Naggasen. The world consisted of land or soil, water, air and fire. The land was the water container raised up. The space below was the air or wind. The theory of the world floating in the air from the land of the Lord Buddha spread to the Greek could have the element on the belief of the Ptolemy map. The question of the round shape of the world shadow on the Moon during Solar and Lunar Eclipses was not a problem with the time that people believed the world was flat on a round board before arriving at the theory who reached America first.
 Now there is an argument from the web board of the Thai-Chinese community talking about Jing He as the discoverer of America by the great fleet.   PLLP put it here briefly so it can be talked and debated during this time.  If we divide America the East side is the part the Columbus met the Red Indians and Jing He
[สำเภาจีน.jpg]  Now the theory of the round world like a ball does not have to about any more. It is left only the past. Before we know that the world is round took a long time ad we have unlimited future to reach for the secrets of the other worlds. It is a challenge to know which country or nation will go the furthest.
[ลูภโลภ.jpg] Human’s dreams of the space
[DSC00565FlashgordonToon.jpg]  Seventy years ago, the movie world dreamed of space dreams such as the Hollywood movie Space City Flash Gordon with Buster Crab as the male leading character and Melody as the female leading character. 
[DSC00561หนวดโล้นตัวร้าย.jpg]The bad guy was a bearded bald thug who came out and made children scream and scold. 
When the two male and female leading characters came out, everyone clapped their hands.  The rocket in that movie floated up softly in the shape of a glider or balloon with jet to help when speeded. The Space City had a jet to help it lift and float.  It happens that Google has Esarn movie fans like PLLP collected pictures and I asked to put down here. Leading to the pictures of Flash Gordon.

เสียงโยนก Online 24 กพ 2554

16 กุมภาพันธ์ 2554

กีฬาสี ร.ร.สาธิตละอออุทิศ Lampang, Thailand

La-Orutis Sport Day 2011
By Rajabhat Suandusit Lampang University, THAILAND
Feb 11, 2554/2011

(ม.ราชภัฏสวนดุสิต ศูนย์ลำปาง เอื้อเฟื้อภาพ)

14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2554

Valentine's Day Friends

ปฏิพัฒน์ พุ่มพงษ์แพทย์ จากบางกอกเชิญร่วมสภากาแฟออนไลน์ 48 ช.ม.ร่วมวันที่สองขั้วโลก ส่งภาพ สุขสันต์ วันแห่งความรักแต้ๆ
รายการ 48 ชั่วโมงร่วมวันที่สองขั้วโลก ชื่อปฏิทิน : rampernglampang.blogspot.com คือวันที่ 13 ก.พ.แก๊กอเมริกาตรงกับวันที่14 ก.พ.ตูนโต๋OKลำปางประเทศไทย ฉะนั้นวันแห่งความรัก 14เมืองไทยจึงก่อนวันแห่งความรักอเมริกา 1 วัน 48 ชั่วโมงร่วมวันที่สองขั้วโลก จึงเป็นศัพท์  ปฏิทินร่ำเปิงลำปาง แบบ Nýþ«ðñQ$+YÀÁÂ


Valentine's Day 2011 @ Lampang, Thailand

To Be Number One Idol Contest
Feb 14, 2554/2011
Lampang, Thailand

ดนตรีเพื่อประชาชน To be number one idol Concert
ณ สวนสาธารณะห้าแยกหอนาฬิกา โดยนายอธิคม สุพรรณพงศ์ ผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัดลำปาง ให้เกียรติเป็นประธานในพิธีเปิด(๑๘.๓๐ น.)
งานเปิดนิทรรษการศิลปกรรมร่วมสมัย ครูศิลป์แผ่นดินล้านนา ครั้งที่ ๑๐
ณ หอภูมิ์ลคอร (ข่วงนคร) โดย ดร.นิมิตร จิวะสันติการ นายกทศมนตรีนครลำปาง ให้เกียรติเป็นประธานในพิธีเปิด(๑๘.๐๐ น.)